Carbon Tubing and Carbon Pipe For Sale
Boyer Steel, Inc., stocks a broad range of sizes in carbon steel tube and pipe. Carbon steel is a general term used to describe steel whose main alloying element is carbon and no minimum content is specified for any alloying elements such as chromium, nickel, molybdenum, etc. Carbon steel is one of the most commonly used metals because of its low cost and versatility.
Two of the most common uses of Carbon Steel are mechanical and structural applications. Mechanical applications demand strict control of chemistry and exacting adherence to dimensional tolerances. Structural applications put more demand on the physical properties such as strength and load bearing qualities. Mechanical tube and pipe are available in both welded and seamless as well as a variety of conditions (not annealed, stress relieved annealed, normalized and annealed).
Showing 1–30 of 1655 results
J.I.C. Hydraulic A179*/J-524SMLS Round 1008 / 1018 0.125 0.035 0.055 0.034
J.I.C. Hydraulic A179*/J524 ZiDi Round 1008 / 1018 0.188 0.035 0.118 0.057
J.I.C. Hydraulic A178*/J-525weld Round 1008 / 1018 0.250 0.028 0.194 0.066
Mechanical A513 T-5 D.O.M. Round 1015 / 1026 0.250 0.028 0.194 0.066
Mechanical A519CD Seamless Round 1015 / 1026 0.375 0.095 0.185 0.284
Pipe A53 Welded Pipe Round 1020 / 1030 0.405 0.068 0.269 0.240
Pipe A106B Seamless Round 1020 / 1030 0.405 0.068 0.269 0.240
Mechanical A513 T2 CR ERW Round 1015 / 1026 0.500 0.035 0.430 0.174
Mechanical A513 T1 HR ERW Round 1015 / 1026 0.500 0.065 0.370 0.302
Structural A500 Grade B Square 1020 / 1030 1.000 x 1.000 0.120 .760 x .760 1.436
Mechanical A513 T1 HRP&O Round 1015 / 1026 1.250 0.120 1.010 1.448
Mechanical A519CD(OD&Wall) Round 1015 / 1026 1.250 0.438 0.374 3.798
Mechanical A513 type 5 ** Round 1015 / 1026 1.313 0.375 0.563 3.757
Pipe A106HF(OD&Wall) Round 1020 / 1030 13.000 0.500 12.000 66.750
Mechanical A519HF Seamless Round 1015 / 1026 3.000 0.500 2.000 13.350
J.I.C. Hydraulic A179*/J-524SMLS Round 1008 / 1018 0.188 0.028 0.132 0.048
J.I.C. Hydraulic A178*/J-525weld Round 1008 / 1018 0.250 0.035 0.180 0.080
J.I.C. Hydraulic A179*/J524 ZiDi Round 1008 / 1018 0.250 0.035 0.180 0.080
Mechanical A513 T-5 D.O.M. Round 1015 / 1026 0.250 0.035 0.180 0.080
Mechanical A519CD Seamless Round 1015 / 1026 0.375 0.120 0.135 0.327
Pipe A53 Welded Pipe Round 1020 / 1030 0.405 0.095 0.215 0.310
Pipe A106B Seamless Round 1020 / 1030 0.405 0.095 0.215 0.310
Mechanical A513 T2 CR ERW Round 1015 / 1026 0.500 0.049 0.402 0.236
Mechanical A513 T1 HR ERW Round 1015 / 1026 0.625 0.065 0.495 0.389
Structural A500 Grade B Square 1020 / 1030 1.000 x 1.000 0.188 1.625 x 1.625 2.263
Mechanical A513 T1 HRP&O Round 1015 / 1026 1.313 0.095 1.123 1.236
Mechanical A513 type 5 ** Round 1015 / 1026 1.375 0.375 0.625 4.005
Mechanical A519CD(OD&Wall) Round 1015 / 1026 1.500 0.438 0.624 4.968
Pipe A106HF(OD&Wall) Round 1020 / 1030 13.000 0.750 11.500 98.123
Mechanical A519HF Seamless Round 1015 / 1026 3.000 0.750 1.500 18.020